Sean from Teesside (UK)

Deutsche Version

Writer, Teacher

Fully enjoying live music, writing stories, building snowmen: The use of the creative brain has, in my opinion, more to do with chess than mathematics.

Sean via Skype

Teesside has a long tradition of strong girl chess players. I love chess traveling and as a teacher I noticed very soon, the atmosphere is at best, when a lot of girls join. Girls want to play well but especially want to have fun and make lots of friends. That on its own is reason enough to motivate girls to play chess.

We come up with charity events so all children can join our expeditions, including the ones who can’t afford it themselves. We have 24-hour chess marathons and lots of other events, including Stand-Up-Comedy with my humble self.

The trips in England are usually connected with long journeys. I always hope that they don’t end at all. This small world of a group of magnificent people, the children above all but also the accompanying parents, is unique. If it were up to me, it could go on forever.

I have deep trust in children. In all of them. Also those who at first seem „only exhausting“.

Chess in Schools and Communities, together with, give free access so that all children in England have the opportunity to improve their chess even during the Corona period. Our goal is a million. One Million Chesskids.

In 1972, when chess suddenly became popular due to the Spassky – Fischer duel, Sean got a travel chess set for Christmas. His two older brothers played with him until he started winning.

The Chess charity wants a million kids on board
Sean’s CSC Teesside Blog
Sean’s CSC UK Blog